Prayer of the Artist

Teach me, O Lord, to make good use of the time you give me

Teach me to take advantage from past errors without forgetting
the successes, the former and the latter have something to bring to me.

Teach me how to combine haste with slowness, serenity with enthusiasm,
zeal with peace.

Help me at the onset of my toil... it is the moment when I am weak.
Help me at the heart of my labour... to sharpen and tense up my attention.

In any creation of my hands, Lord, put a grace of You to speak to others,
and leave one of my imperfections to speak to myself.

Lord, never let me forget, that any knowledge is vain, except where there is work,
that any work is useless, unless there is love, that any love is hollow if it binds me
only to myself, without linking me to others, without binding me to You.

Remind me that my hand's labour belongs to You.

If profit guides my hands, like a forgotten fruit, I will rott in the autumn.
If I accomplish my work to shine and please, like the flower in the fields,
I will fade in the evening.

But if I accomplish it for the love of Good, I will remain in the good.

And the time to do well... and for Your glory!
it is today, it is right now!


Unknown author....

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